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ventilation and air-conditioning systems中文是什么意思

用"ventilation and air-conditioning systems"造句"ventilation and air-conditioning systems"怎么读"ventilation and air-conditioning systems" in a sentence


  • 通风和空调系统


  • The impaction of comfortable ventilation and air - conditioning system on indoor air quality
  • The power companies implemented their three - year dsm programmes , including rebate programmes for lighting and heating , ventilation and air - conditioning systems for non - residential customers , as well as other education and informational programmes , starting from july . the need for implementing rebate programmes for residential customers will be reviewed by the government in mid - 2001
  • At the end , according to the developing trend of energy efficiency in developed countries , we suggest adopting environmental value engineering of heating , ventilation and air - conditioning system ( eveac ) as a promising index to evaluate the energy performance of the commercial buildings in chongqing
    最后,根据目前国内外节能研究的趋势,初步提出采用暖通空调系统价值工程评价指标来评价公共建筑空调系统的能源利用效率和对环境的影响,给出了如何计算暖通空调系统的环境价值eveac 。
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